How do I get the creation date of a MySQL database?

Have you ever wondered when a MySQL database was created? It may seem like a simple question, but the answer isn’t as straightforward as you’d think!

MySQL doesn’t store the creation date of a database directly. But don’t worry! There are some tricks you can use to find it. Let’s explore the best ways to do this.


Check the Creation Time Using Files

MySQL databases are stored as files on your server. One way to check when a database was created is by looking at the file system timestamps.

Here’s how to do it on a Linux server:

  1. Find the data directory by running: SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'datadir';
  2. Navigate to the directory using the terminal.
  3. Run: ls -l --time=creation (if supported) or stat to see file details.

Look for the timestamp of the folder that matches your database name.

Check the Oldest Table in the Database

If you can’t check the file system, another way is to look at the oldest table in your database.

Try this SQL query:

SELECT table_name, create_time 
FROM information_schema.tables 
WHERE table_schema = 'your_database_name' 
ORDER BY create_time ASC 

This will return the table that was created first. If it was created when the database was made, this will give you a very close estimate of the database creation date.

Check the Binary Log

If binary logging is enabled, you might find some useful information there. You can check when the first log entry was made.

Run this command:


Then, check the oldest log file. It may contain the first recorded events in your database.

Check Backup Files

Do you have database backups? Sometimes, checking the creation date of an old backup can give you a hint about when the database was initially created.

Look for file timestamps in your backup folder. The oldest backup might reveal useful information!

A Quick Summary

Since MySQL doesn’t store the creation date of a database directly, here are the best ways to estimate it:

  • Check file creation dates in the MySQL data directory.
  • Find the oldest table creation date.
  • Look at binary log timestamps.
  • Check old backups for clues.

With these tricks, you can usually figure out when a database was created. It may not be precise, but it will get you pretty close!

Happy database sleuthing! 🕵️‍♂️